Shalamar Hospital


Who We Are?

Shalamar Hospital, formerly known as Businessmen Hospital Trust, was founded in 1982 as a non-profit institution with the aim of providing world-class medical facilities to the underprivileged communities of Lahore. Spread across 18 acres, this massive 500-bed hospital boasts of top-notch clinical faculty, state-of-the-art equipment, and specialized infrastructure that caters to the diverse medical needs of its patients.

Why We Need Donations?

Over the past few years, hospital continued to expand programs and services to meet the growing demands of our patients. In last 5 years hospital has treated 2,700,000 patients of which 86% in OPD & Emergency and 58% in IPD received Free/Subsidised treatment.

The reality of healthcare delivery is that it is expensive, and our resources are finite. To sustain the volume of patient welfare & expand helath care facilities and services, we continuously require support from donors. Your donations will help us continue to provide the best possible care to our patients and support our ongoing efforts to improve health outcomes in our community.

In order to fulfill the vision of pioneer trustees and to achieve the objectives of the Businessmen Trust, Shalamar Hospital has been providing free/subsidized care to hundreds of thousands of needy and indigent patients over the past 38 years. The decision of the Trustees to serve the needy patients of Lahore was met by providing direct cost subsidy on patients’ billing as well as through indirect subsidy incurred by charging the medical services provided to deserving patients below the actual cost. In 2019-20 alone over 467518 patients were provided subsidized treatment worth Rs. 234 million through Patient Welfare Services (PWS). PWS facilitates for non-affording and needy patients with free/subsidized comprises diagnostics, treatment, surgeries, medicine, diet and lodging.

The vision behind the establishment of Patient Welfare Services (PWS) is to ensure:
  • A Uniform Criteria for Error Free Patient Assessment
  • No External or Internal Influences
  • One Window Operation
  • Hassle Free Single Visit Assessment for Patients
  • Easy Access to Medical Treatment Via Health Cards
  • Verification of Patient’s Eligibility for Subsidy
How do we contribute to the society?
  • The hospital educates Doctors, Nurses and Paramedical staff in providing medical services of the highest quality to the society
  • We provide subsidized/free treatment to the community
  • Shalamar Hospital offers Trained Medical Staff that not only provides medical treatment services but also educates the general public through their Outreach program & CMEs with GPs of the Area.
  • The consultants of the hospital also educate the general public through celebrating International Health Days for various diseases. Awareness lectures are delivered about different diseases in order to enhance the awareness and prevention of the diseases among the general public.
  • The hospital also organizes free medical camps in order to provide free consultation and medicines to the deserving & poor patients.
  • Hashmat Effendi Burn Centre of the Hospital is providing medical services for congenital deformities treatment. This centre also executes burn prevention campaign every year.
  • The Gastroenterology Department of the Hospital is providing services in Hepatitis C awareness, research & treatment.
  • We also conduct research on various diseases and also offer funding and grants for the conduction of research through Shahid Hussain Foundation.
  • The hospital is also providing general awareness through different media channels about pandemic like COVID-19, Congo Virus, Polio & Smog.
  • The hospital also provides free children vaccination from a dedicated desk on selected days of the week.
  • The Family Planning Unit is also providing awareness & education to the general public regarding family planning related issues.
  • Sakina Begum Institute of Endocrine and Research centre is providing excellent services on diabetic and endocrine related diseases disease. It is also providing education about diabetic foot care. This centre is also working on research & publication for related diseases.
  • The hospital also provides free education & training to their Nursing Staff in order to provide quality treatment to the patients.
  • Shalamar Hospital provides a focused healthcare program for mother and child in which doctors/nurses offer a free check-up and guidance to pregnant women.
  • We are proud partners with Johns Hopkins in the provision of women healthcare facilities in Pakistan.
  • Shalamar Hospital is an equal opportunity employer providing employment to over 1200 employees offering them great benefits like medical coverage and subsidized food and education in order to train them to become a capacity building and active member of the society.

Bank Account Details

Account Title: Businessmen Hospital Trust

Account No. 00 6316 5050 0857
IBAN NO. PK97ASCM00 00631650500857

Account Title: Businessmen Hospital Trust

Account No. 02 9301 0192 5591
IBAN NO. PK43MEZN00 02930101925591

Account Title: Businessmen Hospital Trust

Account No. 0109 0002 7124 1856
IBAN NO. PK18UNIL 0109 0002 7124 1856

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