At the Urogynaecology clinic, clinicians make it easier for women to talk about these problems to our friendly and professional staff and have on offer a range of investigations and treatments including surgical options. Clinicians also work closely with other specialities including urology, colorectal and fistula surgeons, neurologists, physiotherapists and counsellors.
Urogynaecology Clinic is equipped with state of the art urodynamics machine which enables to perform of various tests on the bladder including
- Uroflowmetry
- Filling and Voiding Cystometry
- Pelvic floor exercise
- Bladder drill
- Laser therapy for urinary incontinence
- Laser therapy for postmenopausal atrophy
- Labioplasty/vaginoplasty
- Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Sacrocolpopexy
- Native tissue repair of cystocele and rectocele
- Manchester Repair
- Sacrohysteropexy
- Burch colposuspension
- Intravesicle botox injection
- Cystoscopy