Shalamar Hospital

Shalamar Hospital Blogs


Smog or Smoking 30 cigarettes a day

As the temperature drops, pharmacies become crowded with people reaching out for face masks, educational institutions close to protect the brilliant minds of the coming generations, employees call in sick with runny noses and wheezing chests and the city of Lahore comes to a standstill. Smog has unfortunately become a staple in the early winter season of Lahore which was once renowned for its beauty and gardens.Traditionally, fog added a touch of charm to the tough winter season for Lahori residents. However, recent Novembers have brought dread as thick clouds of smoke, mingling with fog, loom over Lahore. This hazardous combination poses a significant health risk, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children, the immunocompromised, and those with asthma.In a concerning research finding, The University of Chicago revealed that the average age of Lahori residents is dropping by 7 years annually due to the impact of smog. With the Air Quality Index surpassing 500 in numerous locations, breathing in the present polluted air is equivalent to smoking 30 cigarettes daily. This alarming data underscores the urgent need for effective measures to address the smog crisis in Lahore. How is smog formed? Smog or more appropriately, photochemical smog forms when gaseous pollutants (volatile organic compounds like nitrogen oxide) participate in chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight. While there is a natural element to its formation, human activity is the primary cause of its aggravation.Emissions from factories, power plants, and vehicles are a strong contributing factor to the high concentrations of pollutants in the air. In the regrettable scenario of Lahore, a major contributor to the issue is the burning of crop residue at the beginning of the wheat-planting season. When combined with decreasing temperatures, this practice leads to the entrapment of harmful fumes in the air, hindering their dispersion. What are the health hazards? Smog is a direct irritant to the eyes, increasing the risk of eye infections, like conjunctivitis. Inhaling the polluted air of Lahore is also likely to irritate the respiratory passages, leading to intense throat inflammation and runny noses. Prolonged exposure may also raise the risk of neurological, like disorientation and confusion, and cardiopulmonary disorders. Naturally, volatile organic compounds have been shown to have carcinogenic properties, thus the risk of cancer is also present.Polluted air is the ultimate nightmare for asthmatics, since smog enhances the risk of severe asthma attacks which may prove life-threatening. As for children, it reduces immunity, leaving them vulnerable to infection. A recent report from Punjab Healthcare highlights a staggering figure of 12,000 individuals hospitalized directly due to the impact of smog in this 2023 season. This is only an estimate of the real numbers affected which are projected to be much higher.  The Way Forward Authorities are actively addressing the recent smog crisis in Lahore, implementing temporary closures of schools, markets, and parks this week. However, this approach has proven ineffective over the years, necessitating a more sustainable solution for the city of gardens.To enhance air quality in the long term, stringent monitoring of farmers during the wheat-planting season is essential. Powerplants should be encouraged to responsibly use fossil fuels, particularly as winter sets in. Large-scale industries must adopt eco-friendly production methods, and the incorporation of Carbon Tax can serve as a deterrent, curbing healthcare costs associated with their activities.Public awareness is crucial, educating Lahori citizens on how to protect themselves from this significant health hazard. By combining proactive measures and community engagement, a lasting improvement in Lahore’s air quality can be achieved.

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best orthopaedic hospital in lahore

The Best Orthopaedics Hospital in Lahore – Shalamar Hospital

In a bustling city like Lahore, Pakistan, access to top-tier healthcare facilities is essential. When it comes to orthopaedic care, Shalamar Hospital stands out as the best orthopaedics hospital in Lahore. With a commitment to excellence, cutting-edge technology, and a team of highly skilled professionals, Shalamar Hospital has earned its reputation as a leader in orthopaedic healthcare. Unmatched Expertise At Shalamar Hospital, orthopaedic care isn’t just a service; it’s a passion. The hospital boasts a team of renowned orthopaedic surgeons and specialists who are dedicated to providing the highest quality care to their patients. With years of experience and a commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements, the orthopaedic team at Shalamar Hospital ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment. State-of-the-Art Facilities Shalamar Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced diagnostic equipment and cutting-edge surgical suites. This ensures that patients receive accurate diagnoses and world-class treatment options. Whether you’re dealing with a sports injury, joint pain, or a more complex orthopaedic condition, Shalamar Hospital has the resources to provide comprehensive care. Personalized Treatment Plans One of the key factors that sets Shalamar Hospital apart is its dedication to personalized treatment plans. The orthopaedic team understands that each patient is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Whether it’s physical therapy, minimally invasive surgery, or joint replacement, the treatment plan is tailored to the individual, ensuring the best possible outcome. Patient-Centric Approach At Shalamar Hospital, patients come first. The hospital’s patient-centric approach is evident in every aspect of care, from the friendly and knowledgeable staff to the comfortable and welcoming environment. The focus is not only on treating the condition but also on ensuring the patient’s overall well-being and comfort throughout their journey to recovery. Comprehensive Services Shalamar Hospital offers a wide range of orthopaedic services, including: Joint Replacement:  Shalamar Hospital excels in joint replacement surgeries, helping patients regain their mobility and quality of life. Sports Injuries:  Athletes trust Shalamar Hospital for the treatment of sports-related injuries, with a goal to get them back in the game swiftly. Spinal Care:  From spinal surgeries to non-surgical interventions, Shalamar Hospital provides comprehensive spinal care. Fracture Management:  Quick and effective fracture management is a priority at Shalamar Hospital. Physical Therapy:  The hospital’s rehabilitation services play a crucial role in the recovery process. Community Engagement Shalamar Hospital recognizes the importance of giving back to the community it serves. The hospital actively engages in community outreach programs, organizing health camps, seminars, and workshops to educate the public about orthopaedic health and preventive measures. By fostering a culture of awareness and wellness, Shalamar Hospital aims to reduce the incidence of orthopaedic issues in Lahore. Conclusion When it comes to orthopaedic care in Lahore, Shalamar Hospital is the top choice. With its unmatched expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, personalized treatment plans, patient-centric approach, and comprehensive services, it’s no wonder that Shalamar Hospital has earned the reputation of being the best orthopaedics hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. If you’re seeking world-class orthopaedic care, Shalamar Hospital is where your journey to recovery begins.

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Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition

Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents In today’s fast-paced world, where health is a top priority, understanding the fundamentals of nutrition is crucial. Whether you’re in Lahore, Pakistan, or anywhere else around the globe. Grasping the concepts of clinical nutrition can impact your well-being. This comprehensive guide will delve into the realm of normal and clinical nutrition. Shedding light on their differences, importance, and practical implications for a healthier life. 1. What is Clinical Nutrition? Clinical nutrition refers to the application of nutrition science to promote health prevention. It’s a specialized field that focuses on tailoring dietary plans to individual needs. Based on medical conditions, metabolism, and lifestyle factors. 2. Differentiating Normal and Clinical Nutrition Normal nutrition pertains to the general dietary needs of an average individual without any specific health concerns. It’s the foundation of well-being. Which involves consuming a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. It includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  So, clinical nutrition comes into play when a person faces health challenges. Such as diabetes, heart disease, or gastrointestinal disorders. It involves therapeutic diets designed to address specific conditions and aid in the recovery process. In this context, the reader asks how? Normal nutrition pertains to general dietary needs. While clinical nutrition targets specific health concerns. Normal nutrition emphasizes balanced diets. While clinical nutrition tailors diets to address medical conditions. 3. The Role of Clinical Nutritionists Clinical nutritionists are experts who have in-depth knowledge of nutrition and medical science. They work with medical professionals to develop customized meal plans. That aligns with a patient’s treatment and health goals. These experts analyze dietary habits and medical history. And lab results to create targeted nutrition interventions. About the Role of Clinical Nutrition, a user asked what role clinical nutritionists play. As far as Clinical nutritionists are experts who collaborate with medical professionals. To design customized meal plans. They consider factors like medical history and metabolism. And lifestyle to create effective nutrition interventions. 4. Key Principles of Clinical Nutrition Personalization: Clinical nutrition acknowledges that each individual has unique nutritional requirements. Factors like age, gender, genetics, and medical history play a pivotal role in designing personalized diets. Disease Management: Clinical nutrition plays a crucial role in managing various diseases. For instance, a person with hypertension might advised to reduce sodium intake. While someone with anemia could enjoy foods rich in iron. Nutrient-Dense Foods: Emphasizing nutrient-dense foods is a cornerstone of clinical nutrition. These foods provide a high amount of nutrients relative to their calorie content, promoting health. 5. Clinical Nutrition in Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, a bustling metropolis, is recognizing the significance of clinical nutrition. With a rise in chronic diseases, the demand for skilled clinical nutritionists is on the upswing. Whether you’re in any area of Lahore. Seeking guidance from a clinical nutritionist can make a large difference in health conditions. 6. Incorporating Clinical Nutrition in Daily Life Integrating clinical nutrition principles into your daily routine doesn’t have to be daunting. Here are some practical tips: Balanced Meals:  Strive for balanced meals that encompass a variety of food groups. such as whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Portion Control:  Be mindful of diet sizes to avoid overeating, which can lead to weight gain and related health issues. Hydration:  Adequate hydration is vital for well-being. Opt for water, herbal teas, and natural fruit juices over sugary beverages. Conclusion Understanding the distinction between normal and clinical. Nutrition is essential for optimizing your health journey. While normal nutrition sets the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Clinical nutrition acts as a valuable tool to combat health challenges and enhance your well-being. In Lahore, Pakistan, and beyond, embracing the principles of clinical nutrition can pave the way for a healthier and happier life.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Clinical Nutrition Q1: What is clinical nutrition? A1: Clinical nutrition involves the application of nutrition science to address health conditions and promote overall well-being. It focuses on creating personalized dietary plans to manage diseases and support recovery. Q4: Can clinical nutrition help manage diseases? A2: Yes, clinical nutrition is instrumental in managing diseases. By crafting diets that cater to specific conditions, clinical nutritionists can help alleviate symptoms, improve outcomes, and support overall health. Q5: How do clinical nutritionists personalize diets? A3: Clinical nutritionists personalize diets by considering individual factors such as age, gender, genetics, and medical history. This approach ensures that dietary plans are tailored to each person’s unique needs. Q4: What are nutrient-dense foods? A4: Nutrient-dense foods are those that provide a high amount of essential nutrients relative to their calorie content. They play a pivotal role in promoting health and preventing nutrient deficiencies. Q5: Why is clinical nutrition important in Lahore, Pakistan? A5: Lahore, like many other places, is witnessing a rise in chronic diseases. Clinical nutrition in Lahore is crucial to manage these conditions and enhance residents’ quality of life through targeted dietary interventions. Q6: How can I incorporate clinical nutrition principles in my daily life? A6: You can integrate clinical nutrition principles by aiming for balanced meals with a variety of food groups, controlling portion sizes, staying hydrated, and seeking guidance from clinical nutritionists. Q7: Can clinical nutrition help with weight management? A7: Yes, clinical nutrition can play a significant role in weight management. By designing diets that align with weight goals and individual needs, clinical nutritionists can support healthy weight loss or maintenance. Q8: Is clinical nutrition suitable for everyone? A8: Yes, clinical nutrition principles can benefit people of all ages. Whether you have specific health concerns or simply want to improve your overall well-being, consulting a clinical nutritionist can provide valuable guidance. Q9: How can I find a reliable clinical nutritionist in Lahore, Pakistan? A9: To find a reliable clinical nutritionist in Lahore, you can ask for recommendations from healthcare professionals, check online directories, read reviews, and inquire about their credentials and experience. Q10: Can clinical nutrition help prevent diseases? A10: Absolutely. Clinical nutrition’s emphasis on balanced, nutrient-rich diets can contribute to preventing various diseases by

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International Nursing Day

The International Nursing Day was celebrated on 12th May 2018 to promote awareness with regards to the role and importance of nursing in the health profession, and to celebrate the nursing staff of Shalamar Hospital.

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Sakina Begum Institute of Diabetes and Endocrine Research (SIDER) awareness camp

Sakina Begum Institute of Diabetes and Endocrine Research (SIDER) in collaboration with Akhuwat Foundation conducted an awareness camp on Saturday, 9th November 2019. The camp was conducted to spread awareness about Diabetes and curtail its incidence through education, prevention and monitoring. The attendees were also provided with free medical consultation including BMI, Vitals and Blood Sugar Tests.

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Awareness Session on Acute Medicine and Critical Care

Business Planning and Development Department in collaboration with Acute Medicine and Critical Care Unit conducted an Awareness Session on Acute Medicine and Critical Care. The session was conducted by Prof. Dr. Mujeeb ur Rehman Abid Butt, Dr. Ahmed Nadeem and Dr. Abdul Salam. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) Dr. Tanveer Rana also addressed the audience.

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World Diabetes Day 2021

World Diabetes day is celebrated every year on 14th November for the awareness and prevention from diabetes. For this reason, SIDER (Sakina Institute of Diabetes and Endocrine Resarch) department of Shalamar Hospital in collaboration with Business Planning and Development department organized an awareness walk, seminar and free medical camp for the patients in which the patients were educated about preventive measures for diabetes. Patients were offered the facility of blood sugar test along with free medicines. The Chief Executive (CE) of Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences, Brig (Retd.) Anis Ahmed, Principal Shalamar Medical and Dental College (SMDC), Mr. Zahid Bashir, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Shalamar Hospital, Dr. Ayesha Nauman, In charge SIDER, Dr. Maria Javed attended the event along with various doctors, nurses and students of SMDC. Dr. Maria Javed addressing the seminar stressed upon the importance of an awareness campaign about prevention from diabetes which cannot be possible without government`s support. She further added that the prices of the medicines should be controlled so that the patients can easily consume them. Dr. Rozina Arshad told the audience about the SIDER department`s way of working. On this occasion, SIDER`s nutritionist Ms. Asma Shahid said that one of the major reasons of diabetes is unhealthy lifestyle. The Chief Guest of the seminar, Deputy Head of Mission from the German Ambassy, Dr. Philip Deichmann and Chairman Board of Trustees, Mr. Shahid Hussain also addressed the audience. The General Manager Marketing, Mr. Usman Suleman and In charge SIDER, Dr. Maria Javed thanked the pharmaceutical companies, staff members and other guests for their presence at the seminar and camp.

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World Pneumonia Day 2021

To increase the awareness in the general public about Pneumonia and to reduce its incidence through prevention education and monitoring, the World Pneumonia Day is conducted globally every year. In this context the Pulmonology Department and Business Planning and Development-SIHS has jointly organized awareness activities on Saturday, 20th November 2021. The activities included plantation and cake cutting ceremony which was followed by an awareness lecture by Dr. Samar Asim and Dr. Akhtar Ali from Pulmonology department.

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